I write this from a cooler part of the world. I left sunny (and snowy) Europe on December 20 to spend the holidays in Canada. The trip back was made interesting by the massive snowfall that pounded Europe for days (VERY tongue in cheek!!). Seriously though, the 6 inches (15cm) of snow made air travel challenging. Many flights were canceled and the main hubs (Frankfurt) were either closed or on reduced landing cycles. The conclusion was that I spent 24 hours getting to Calgary, and was lucky to actually make in on the same day. Frankfurt airport was full of people that were not so lucky! I will spend a month in Canada and then return to Italy to continue on the house and to attend a trade show in Bolzano, where they will be highlighting the CasaClima trend. I missed it last year but thought that as I am building a CasaClima house I should attend.
So you are wondering what have I been up to. How is the house proceeding, and should Alec be taking off a month to go skiing in Canada?? You can let me know your thoughts AFTER reading this installment.
I left off last time with a partial roof complete. Well, I can tell you that the house is completely covered, and although we have not yet put the tiles on, the roof is 100% waterproof.
All the joists are up, ready for sheeting. |
Up on the roof, finishing off the waterproofing membrane. |
Roof is all closed in. Tiles will arrive in the spring. |
So, check out the next installment, which is the beginning of the inside.